HOLY MOTHER– I am a RockStar Blogger

Can you believe in that ? Holy Cow, I was honored with a RockStar Blogger Logo. A title that is used only for a few people.

When I started blogging and saw that green logo of RockStar in some blogs, it was an incentive for me because I always thought “One day I’m going to be RockStar Blogger”. And  It happened.

It has always been a pleasure and a duty for me to blog quality contents and now the responsibility is even greater.

It’s a HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE honor for me and certainly I will do justice to the responsibility and confidence that  Thomas  placed in me.

Thanks A LOT Thomas 🙂


About Laerte Junior

Laerte Junior Laerte Junior is a SQL Server specialist and an active member of WW SQL Server and the Windows PowerShell community. He also is a huge Star Wars fan (yes, he has the Darth Vader´s Helmet with the voice changer). He has a passion for DC comics and living the simple life. "May The Force be with all of us"
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4 Responses to HOLY MOTHER– I am a RockStar Blogger

  1. You are most welcome! I do believe you promised me a secret feijoada recipe…

  2. Yes Laerte…congratulation! I’m sure this is the result of the great work you have done. Absolutely deserved! And always … Focus 🙂

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